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Planning concept

Southorn Action is the annual plan of Southorn Stadium. It provides discounts on rent for sports groups with less attention or resources, and assists in the organization of events, so as to provide professional support and create a high-level platform for amateur sports enthusiasts. Promote a national movement.

Petition form

Small and medium-sized, amateur sports groups, non-profit organizations.

Date of Application

Applications are accepted throughout the year.

How to apply

Email the event plan to or call 2834 2702 for enquiries.
The content of the activity plan includes: activity concept, type, estimated number of participants and objects, publicity methods and channels, and activity procedures, etc.

Previous programs

修頓Action  業餘籃球聯賽冠軍盃

修頓Action -

修頓Action  業餘籃球聯賽冠軍盃

修頓Action -

修頓Action  業餘籃球聯賽冠軍盃

修頓Action 2019 -

Activity video

media reports

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