Body and Mind Therapy
With the improvement of living standards, Hong Kong people are paying more and more attention to their physical and mental health. In order to help participants relieve the physical and mental fatigue caused by work all day long, we provide courses to cultivate the body and mind, and teach the use of exercise, natural materials and other methods , Learn to stabilize emotions and create a healthy quality of life.
Designed by our professional team, suitable courses can be developed according to the abilities of the participants, suitable for all kinds of people to participate!
Course items include:
Dynamic and static yoga
Healing Yoga
Parent-child yoga
Yoga for the Elderly
Laughter Yoga
Basic Theory of Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy Practice Workshop-Head, Shoulder and Neck Massage
Aromatherapy Practice Workshop-Facial Tendon Therapy
Wonderful Crystal Healing Elementary
Decompression Yoga Workshop
Basic theory of aromatherapy blending
Aromatherapy Blending Workshop-Mask Knitting
Aromatherapy Blending Workshop-Sensitive Rhinitis
Aromatherapy Blending Workshop-Pain
Pain Relief Stretching Workshop
Time: 120 minutes or more Number: 6-20 people Target: Suitable for people aged 15 or above